Make the most of your forage crops with Sila-Bac® brand inoculants. Designed to maximize forage performance, our crop-specific inoculants improve fermentation, aerobic stability and fiber digestibility.
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Make the most of your forage crops with Sila-Bac® brand inoculants. Designed to maximize forage performance, our crop-specific inoculants improve fermentation, aerobic stability and fiber digestibility.
Compare ProductsPioneer® brand inoculant technologies are designed to maximize feed performance by optimizing the desirable traits of your forages.
Pioneer® brand inoculants with Rapid React® technology is a significant advancement that quickly turns your forages into bunk-ready, stable feed. This technology creates stable feed in just seven days, meaning you can feed your new-crop forages one week after harvest. Rapid React technology optimizes feed resources by maintaining a cool bunker face, minimizing dry matter losses and extending bunklife.
Pioneer® brand inoculants with Nutrivail® feed technology improves nutrient availability for cattle, making the most of your homegrown forage. It reduces the need for protein and energy supplements by rapidly lowering pH and inhibiting yeast growth to prolong silage bunklife. Proprietary bacterial strains in Nutrivail technology produce enzymes that enhance fiber digestibility and enable using higher levels of forage in the ration.
Increase your forage production and quality with improved production practices. Use the latest agronomic resources and information, straight from our experts in the field.
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