HERBICIDE TOLERANT TRAIT: Hybrids and varieties with the Optimum® GLY trait are tolerant to labeled rates of glyphosate herbicides. This technology allows for postemergent applications of these herbicides without crop injury or stress (see herbicide label). Labeled herbicides should only be used over the top of those hybrids and varieties thatcontain the Optimum® GLY trait. Hybrids and varieties with the CLEARFIELD® trait (CL) are tolerant to labeled rates of Amity™ WDG and Ares™ SN herbicides. This technology allows for post-emergent applications of these herbicides without crop injury or stress (see herbicide label). Labeled herbicides should only be used over the top of those hybrids and varieties that contain the CLEARFIELD trait. The unique Clearfield symbol and Clearfield® are registered trademarks of BASF. Hybrids and varieties with the LibertyLink® gene (LL) are resistant to Liberty® herbicide. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of BASF. Hybrids and varieties with the Roundup Ready® gene (RR) are tolerant to labeled rates of Roundup® branded herbicides. This technology allows for post-emergent applications of Roundup without crop injury or stress (see herbicide label). Labeled Roundup herbicide should only be used over the top of those hybrids and varieties that carry the Roundup Ready designation. Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group.
POD SHATTER REDUCTION SCORE: 9 = Low risk of Shatter, 1 = High Risk of Shatter.
SOURCE OF CLUBROOT RESISTANCE: Shows different source of Clubroot resistance. CR1 is different from CR2; CR2 is different from CR3, etc.
CLUBROOT: R =Resistant, S = Susceptible.
BLACKLEG: R = Resistant; MR = Moderately Resistant; MS = Moderately Susceptible; S = Susceptible.
BLACKLEG SCORE: 9 = Resistant; 1 = Susceptible.
SCLEROTINIA: 9 = Highly Tolerant; 5 = Moderately Tolerant; 1 = Susceptible.
FUSARIUM WILT: R = Resistant; S = Susceptible. Current Fusarium rating is provisional and based on limited data.
VERTICILLIUM STRIPE: 9 = Resistant, 1 = Susceptible.
EARLY GROWTH: 9 = Excellent, 1 = Poor. Early growth is recorded when plants are at 4-6 leaf stage. It is a subjective evaluation of healthiness of plants and the soil area covered by their leaves.
GREEN SEED CONTENT: 9 = Very low count (desired); 1 = Very high count.
STANDABILITY: 9 = upright (desired) while 1 = Severely lodged
PLANT HEIGHT: 9 = Tall; 1 = Short (desired).
Pioneer® brand canola products are treated with Helix® Vibrance® seed treatment. Helix® and Vibrance® are registered trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.