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Well-developed root systems are essential for soybean water uptake and growth.
Soybean root systems that are unimpeded by soil factors can reach a maximum depth of over 60 inches (1.52m), similar to that of corn (Ordóñez et al., 2018).
The majority of soil water uptake by soybeans occurs within the top 2 to 3 feet (60-91 cm) of the soil profile (Kranz and Specht, 2012).
Table 1. Average daily soybean water use (ETc), water use per growth stage, and cumulative water use over the course of the growth season.
Kranz, W.L., and J.E. Specht. 2012. Irrigating Soybean. NebGuide G1367. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. Ordóñez et al. 2018. Maize and soybean root front velocity and maximum depth in Iowa, USA. Field Crops Res. 215:122-131.