Plenish® High Oleic Soybeans for On-farm Feeding
Shared from Inside the ZONE® newsletter, Pioneer Nutritional Sciences
Shared from Inside the ZONE® newsletter, Pioneer Nutritional Sciences
There has been a surge in demand for milk protein and butterfat in the US, which has resulted in elevated prices for these milk components. To boost milk fat content, dairy farms have widely adopted feeding fat supplements that are high in palmitic acid (C16:0). However, it's necessary to keep feeding costs under control to maximize profit when milk prices are strong.
Since feed costs make up approximately 50% of milk production costs, using homegrown feeds saves money and can be an effective strategy to boost profits. This strategy also helps mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions that could impact feed availability.
One promising option for homegrown feed is Plenish beans, which offer a high‐energy and protein feed with a desirable fatty acid profile that can replace expensive fats in the ration. The high oleic (C18:1) and low linoleic (C18:2) content of Plenish beans allows for higher dietary inclusion levels than commodity soybeans. By incorporating Plenish beans into their feeding regime, dairy farms can potentially reduce costs and improve profitability while maintaining, even improving, milk fat content.
Pre‐formed fatty acids originate from mobilized reserves or from the diet. After digestion and absorption, the udder takes these fatty acids from circulation and incorporates them into milk fat.
In addition, cows can synthesize fat in the udder (de novo) from simple volatile fatty acids, such as acetate and butyrate, precursors that derive from the fermentation of fiber by rumen microbes. Cows can assemble fatty acids de novo up to 16 carbons in length.
All rations fed to dairy cows contain fat, which can come from a variety of sources including fat supplements, forages, grains, and by‐products. The type of fat in the diet can be either saturated (no double bonds), such as palmitic acid, or unsaturated (one or more double bonds), such as linoleic acid. However, excessive dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as PUFA load, can impair activity of fiber‐digesting rumen microbes.
Ruminal biohydrogenation is a process that normally converts unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids, detoxifying the PUFA. But, when normal ruminal fermentation is altered by low rumen pH or the mechanism is overwhelmed by excessive PUFA load, it can lead to alternative intermediates that cause Milk Fat Depression (MFD).
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) formation is part of the biohydrogenation process, but trans‐10, cis‐12 CLA formed during low ruminal pH is a potent, undesirable CLA linked to milk fat depression. Research shows that even just 3‐4 grams reaching the intestines can dramatically reduce milk fat synthesis [1].
Corn silage is the primary forage choice for dairy farmers due to its high tonnage, nutritional qualities, and cost‐effectiveness. However, even though it is low in fat content, it contains a significant amount of linoleic acid. When included in large amounts, corn silage can add to the ruminal PUFA load, which has been linked to decreased milk fat percentage [2].
It's important to note that milk fat depression can be caused by multiple concurring factors, including PUFA intake, fermentable starch, slugfeeding, and more. To successfully include high levels of corn silage in dairy rations, it’s essential to pay close attention to excessive ruminal starch digestion and lack of dietary effective fiber, in order to mitigate the risk of milk fat depression.
Soybeans are a valuable source of protein, that also contains a high level of fat at about 20%. Roasting is a common practice to prevent rancidity, enhance palatability, and improve ruminal undegraded protein (RUP). However, feeding commodity soybeans at high levels, especially when the oil in the beans is exposed through grinding, can lead to significant milk fat depression.
Plenish soybeans, with 75% oleic acid and only 9.5% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs, including linoleic), compared to conventional soybeans with 22% oleic acid and 63% PUFAs, represent a groundbreaking innovation in dairy nutrition, allowing for a shift in the way nutritionists formulate rations.
Typically, roasting costs $25‐$35 per ton. Losses by open flame roasting are near 12%; about half is water, the rest are pods and hulls that have feed value. If using electric or hot air, loss is mostly water. Improper roasting (too hot, too long) can decrease protein value, because its binding with sugars (Maillard reaction, ↑ADIN)
Roasting improves palatability and prevents oil rancidity. It doubles protein escape from the rumen (↑RUP, by‐pass). In addition, denatures trypsin inhibitor and urease (thus allowing for urea use in rations). If roasting is not possible, feeding quartered beans is better than whole.
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