Corn Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms

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Healthy Roots

healthy corn root system

Phosphate Shortage

damage to corn roots from phosphate shortage

Rootworm Damage

corn roots showing damage from rootworms

Shallow Root System

corn root system that is too shallow

Discolored Roots

Pruned Roots

corn root system showing damage from pruning

Twisted Roots

corn roots showing chemical damage symptoms


Normal Ears

normal corn ear

Large Ears

larger ear than normal

Small Ears

smaller ear than normal

Potash Shortage

Phosphate Shortage

corn ear showing phosphate shortage symptoms

Nitrogen Shortage

corn ear showing nitrogen shortage symptoms

Green Silks

corn ear with green silks

Unpollinated Kernels

corn ear showing unpollinate kernels

Roots in soil

Max in. Max out.

Get the Max From Your Nitrogen

As soon as you apply nitrogen to the soil, it's vulnerable to loss. Nitrogen stabilizers from Corteva Agriscience deliver unrivaled technology to help you protect any nitrogen source.

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